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Feijoa Pickle

My Quest for mango pickle led to the discovery of feijoa as an alternative.

I am a fan of pickles, especially the spicy Andhra (one of the State in South-India) Avakkai – mango pickle.  I was incredibly lucky to get a steady supply when in India from my visits to my in-laws in Vijayawada.  I never had the need to make them there. However, since being here in New Zealand I have  always had the desire to make one.  In the past few years I have been lucky to get mangoes here in Auckland coming from Fiji. 

A few years ago the mango supply had finished, and my reserve was depleting. The thought that I will have to wait another year to make my beloved mango pickle was rather disappointing.  I remember it was early March when my neighbor brought me a bag full of round young feijoas. They were big, round, and green, and the very first look reminded me of mangoes!!  Instantly the thought arose in my mind to try making a pickle using feijoas in the same way as mango pickle. I started with a small amount, washed them well, dried them completely and made a small batch exactly the way my lovely Sister-in-law Manu had taught me.  The result …………. It looked exactly like the mango pickle, the texture was the same as I used the feijoas with the skin, the smell was slightly fruity and after 3 days it was ready to eat and to my surprise the pickle was simply divine. The taste was heightened because it was a fruit and it was slowly ripening each day, it was very aromatic and inviting and went well with everything we ate.

I no longer miss mango although I love the pickle and I make it as and when I get the supply. I feel fortunate that my husband has planted 2 feijoa trees in our yard which gives me an abundance of fruit each year which I make pickles with.  

I think if you experiment a little as a foodie you won’t be disappointed. I am glad my instinct led me to making this pickle and I am so happy that it was a success. I know the smell and taste of feijoa’s is an acquired one but if you are a fan and would like me to make you a batch let me know.



cut feijoafeijoa pickle

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