Madras Curry Mix is back in stock!


What is ghee? 

Ghee is made by heating salted / unsalted butter until it clarifies and separates into lactose (sugar), milk protein and fat.  Over a low flame the moisture is removed and the sugar and protein separate into curds that sink to the bottom. Ghee is heated for longer than other types of clarified butter, giving it a stronger and nuttier flavor. It also has a higher burning point than standard clarified butter, which makes it a better option for frying.

Ayurveda places ghee at the top of the oily foods list, as it has the healing benefits of butter without the impurities (saturated fat, milk solids).  Ayurveda says ghee is a yogavahi – a catalytic agent that carries the medicinal properties of herbs into the seven dhatus (tissues) they are plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, marrow / nerve, and reproductive tissue.  In Sanskrit, they are rasa, rakta, mamsa, medas, asthi, majja, and shukra respectively. These are the structures that make up the body.   Ghee has lots of healing benefits: it is known to fight inflammation, promote flexibility, enhance digestion, bolster the immune system, and more.  Ayurveda teaches us that the consumption of ghee offers a clarity of mind and sound digestion.


Banu's ghee on a spoon


How to use ghee?

Ghee is excellent for cooking and sauteing.  Ghee has a high smoke point and does not create carcinogenic free radicals, this means it is one of the safest oils to cook with.

You can use ghee:

-       To temper – sauté your spices in ghee and add on top of your curries, soups, stews, dal and more

-       To spoon on top of hot rice, steamed vegetable, mashed potatoes, or soup

-       As a spread on a toast

-       As a coffee additive, add (just a tsp) to your coffee… sounds strange, trust me it is delicious!

-       As an addition (just a tsp) to your hot breakfast

By the way when you get those little burns while cooking, put ghee on it!! It has a cooling property that soothes and heals 😊


Ghee and Spices


Caring for Ghee 

Ghee can be kept on the kitchen shelf or in a cupboard, covered.  It does not need refrigeration.  Always use a clean dry spoon or knife when using ghee, as introducing water or food into the ghee will create rancidity.

In India, ghee is a sacred symbol of auspiciousness used medicinally and in cooking.

I urge you to try my lovingly made salted and unsalted ghee, it is infused with curry leaf which gives the ghee a mild fragrance. Check it out here.



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